Hackers, Models, and Greenhouse Gases—Breaking Down Risk Management
For companies, development inevitably comes with an increase in the volume and variety of risks faced. Risk management helps to foresee these risks, adapt to them, and achieve strategic goals. Dzhangir Dzhangirov, Senior Vice President, Chief Risk Officer at SBER, delivered a lecture to HSE ICEF students on how risk management works in the banking system and what new challenges companies face in the fintech era.
Dr. John Hampton: ‘Education is Preparing Young People for a Global Landscape of Business’
John Hampton, Professor of Business at Saint Peter’s University (New Jersey, USA), conducted a master class, Risk Management for Competitive Advantage, on March 25, 2013, at the HSE Banking Institute.
The IMF’s Message Is ‘Target What You Can Hit’
On September 28th 2011, Daniel Leigh and John Bluedorn, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), presented the latest issue of the World Economic Outlook (forecasts and analysis) ‘Slowing growth, rising risks’ at the Higher School of Economics.