HSE University and SAS—Training Top Data Experts
In August 2018, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science launched a Joint Department with SAS, a world leader in analytics software. The Department’s objective is to provide better training for future data experts. The HSE News Service reports on the ideas that have come to fruition and how academic teaching is combined with hands-on training there.

Registration for International Data Analysis Olympiad Now Open
The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, Yandex, and Otkritie Bank are holding the fifth International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO). There will be two competition stages: the qualifying round will last from February 1 to 28, 2022, and the finals will take place from April 16-17. Registration for the event is already underway.

Winners of the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) Announced
The Faculty of Computer Science at HSE University, Yandex, and this year’s platinum partner, Otkritie Bank, held the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) for the fourth time. This year’s first-place winner was the ‘random team’, Ilya Kornakov and Kirill Borozdin, from Switzerland. Second and third places went to the Russian teams ‘Mylene Farmer’ (Vasiliy Rubtsov, Anvar Kurmukov) and ‘Shizika’ (Dmitry Simakov, Nikita Churkin).

IDAO 2021 Qualifying Round Comes to a Close
30 teams have advanced to the finals of the 2021 International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) after passing the qualifying round, which was dedicated to the search for dark matter.

International Data Analysis Olympiad IDAO-2021 Has Started
The registration period for the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO-2021) is open until March 12. The qualifying round has already begun and will run until March 31. This year, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex are holding the Olympiad for the fourth time. This year's Platinum Partner is Otkritie Bank. The Olympiad is organised by leading data analysts for their future colleagues—early career analysts and scientists.

HSE University Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex Hold Final Round of International Data Analysis Olympiad IDAO-2020
The HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) and Yandex held the Online Final of the IDAO-2020 International Data Analysis Olympiad, which took place for the third time. The task for the final round was provided by QIWI, the platinum partner of the event. Sberbank also became a competition partner.

HSE Students Win Awards at the Kaggle International Data Science Competition
Ekaterina Melianova and Artyom Volgin, second-year students of the Master’s programme ‘Applied Statistics with Network Analysis’, took second place in an international data analysis competition. Using a Kaggle survey of 19,717 respondents from 171 countries, they analyzed the community of PhD degree holders in Data Science.

Eight Teams Compete in HSE’s First Data Science Hackathon
HSE University has recently hosted an SAS Data Hack Platypus data analysis hackathon, where teams competed to solve a case problem provided by the online hypermarket, Utkonos (or, in English, ‘Platypus’).The top five finalists received devices from partner companies as gifts.

What You Can Do in Data Science: HSE University Invites Applications for IDAO 2020
The registration for the 3rd International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO 2020) organised jointly by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex, is open until January 21, 2020. The international competition introduces young developers and analysts to current issues in Data Science.

31 Teams from Seven Countries Make It to IDAO Finals
On February 18, the online round of the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) officially finished. The Data analysis competition is organized by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex with the support of Sberbank. This year 1287 teams from 78 countries took part in the online round.