HSE Rector Kuzminov on New Students, Career Expectations and Building a Competitive University
HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov gave an interview to Moscow 24 TV about how prepared new first year students are for the most popular courses and about the careers of HSE graduates.
Global Companies Join the Master in European Business Programme
French and Russian companies are becoming partners of the MEB programme, run by the HSE International Institute of Administration and Business (IIAB) and ESCP Europe. The programme was launched officially on September 9, 2013 in Moscow.
Within Five Years of the Faculty’s Creation, the HSE Has Become the Leading Russian Institution of Higher Learning in Pure Mathematics
Several experts from the world’s leading universities make up the International Advisory Board at the HSE Faculty of Mathematics. They have inspected various aspects of the Faculty’s activity and summarized their findings in a recent report.
HSE Lyceum Opened in Moscow
On the first day of the new school year, the first HSE Lyceum students spoke with representatives of the University’s administration and learned that that the Lyceum will prepare them for actual study at the University, not just to be admitted. For their part, the students are expected to be honest and bring fresh ideas.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025