Study Global Trends in International Trade in Moscow
The new HSE Master’s programme ‘Law of International Trade, Finance and Economic Integration’ invites applications for the coming 2019-2020 academic year. Qualified students who wish to specialize in international economic law and work in international environments, such as international organizations, international law firms, and international business corporations, are encouraged to apply.

31 Teams from Seven Countries Make It to IDAO Finals
On February 18, the online round of the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) officially finished. The Data analysis competition is organized by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex with the support of Sberbank. This year 1287 teams from 78 countries took part in the online round.
Dmitry Medvedev Appoints New Members to HSE Supervisory Council
The new appointments to the council include Elena Bunina, CEO of Yandex, Anastasia Rakova, Vice Mayor of Moscow, and Vadim Yakovenko, Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.
Living and Dead: the Soviet Experiment Seen Through the Lens of Funeral Culture
Inscriptions, symbols and shapes of tombstones and cemetery layouts carry important messages about society, its values and hierarchies. Research by HSE scholar Svetlana Malysheva reveals some of the things Soviet cemeteries can tell us about the USSR and its people.

HSE and RAS Institutes to Produce Future Generations of Scientists
On February 12 at the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, HSE and five institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) signed agreements to collaborate in the field of scientific education. The institutions have pledged to contribute to the development of new faculties of chemistry as well as biology and biotechnology at HSE.
Animated Films by HSE Students to Be Shown on ‘Culture’ Channel
On the 250th anniversary of the birth of Russian writer Ivan Krylov, third-year students of the programme ‘Animation and illustration’ (supervised by Elena Kitaeva) of HSE School of Art and Design revamped and gave new meanings and forms to the works of the writer. They prepared 10 short animated films based on his fables that will be aired on the TV channel ‘Culture’ (‘Kultura’) throughout the week.

Studying Applied Statistics and Network Analysis at HSE Moscow
Felipe Vaca Ramirez and Paco Arevalo Reyes, both from Ecuador, are second-year students in HSE’s Master’s programme in ‘Applied Statistics with Network Analysis’. Having heard about Russia’s rich mathematical tradition and the high academic standing of HSE, they both decided to study in Moscow despite how far away from home it is. Felipe and Paco share a background in economics, and the HSE programme’s focus on statistics and data and network analysis was a huge draw for them. Affordable tuition fees and multicultural environment were additional bonuses.

HSE Inaugurates New English-Language Programme in News Production
The Master's programme ‘International News Production’, which will begin admission in the summer of 2019, will focus on non-standard approaches to covering world events and teaching new media technologies. Oleg Dmitriev, academic aupervisor, and Alexey Nikolov, creative supervisor and general director of RT, discuss partners and opportunities of the new programme.
‘If You Want to Be Strong, You Have to Open Your Doors’: Swiss Ambassador Yves Rossier Visits HSE
At the invitation of Professor Vladimir Kantor, Head of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, Swiss Ambassador Yves Rossier visited HSE on Wednesday, 13 February, to give a lecture and meet with faculty and students. In addition to Professor Kantor and students of his International Laboratory, Vice Rector Ivan Prostakov and faculty and students of the School of Philosophy and the HSE Lyceum were in attendance. Vice Rector Prostakov delivered the opening remarks.
Studying Grief in the Phenomenology of Darkness: An International Artistic Research Project
Sound artist Robert Elias Stokowy of Berlin and Yulia Chernenko,lecturer at the HSE Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, have initiated a joint German-Russian artistic research project entitled, ‘Phenomenology of Darkness’.