Foreign Investments are Crucial for Positive Return on Exports
Experts at HSE have shown that the foreign direct investment is an important and necessary determinant for positive return on exports. Such companies consequently encounter a higher level of competition in terms of quality and intensity. Research results have been published in the Baltic Journal of Management.
‘We Are Very Excited by How HSE Continues to Develop’
The eighth annual session of the HSE International Advisory Committee has come to a close. Its chairman Eric Maskin, Nobel laureate in economics, summed up the results of the committee’s work.
roubles were raised by the HSE Outreach student association at a charity bake sale that took place on December 6.

Two Teams of Top Programmers to Represent HSE at the International Collegiate Programming Contest
One of the teams successfully qualified for the world finals at the recent Northern Eurasia heat. The other will be attending the finals by special invitation.

'At HSE There’s a Close-knit Team Focused on Research'
Fuad Aleskerov, Tenured Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Economics, Head of the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis, Chief Scientist at the Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics, member of the Academic Council, spoke on his foray into science, as well as shared his thoughts on the development of HSE and mathematics in Russia.
International Advisory Committee Meets at HSE: 'The University Is Quick to Respond to Recommendations'
Each year, the HSE International Advisory Committee (IAC) meets in Moscow under the leadership of Nobel laureate Eric Maskin. Committee members focus on reorganising the post-graduate school, updating educational and staffing policies, and a number of other important issues.

Technological Unemployment
In his book, Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future, futurist Martin Ford warns of 75% unemployment by 2100, as robots will finally defeat humans and half of all existing occupations will disappear. Should we believe it? Prominent Russian economist and deputy director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies Rostislav Kapeliushnikov does not think so. According to his paper 'Is Technological Change a Devourer of Jobs?'', predictions of a 'labour market apocalypse' with mass loss of jobs caused by technological progress are unfounded.
Recycling in the Name of UNIQLO and HSE
HSE School of Art and Design, in conjunction with UNIQLO, has unveiled a new exhibition entitled, 'New Life for Old Things'. The exhibition showcases a vast array of ingenious ways to give new life to old things - the most important aspect of sustainable fashion.
English Graduate Chooses to Pursue Doctoral Studies in Political Science at HSE
Ever since he was a teenager, Judas Everett has been interested in politics. A new postgraduate student in HSE’s Doctoral School of Political Science, Judas says he owes a lot of his continued interest to the teachers he’s had over the years, the right encouragement and the right reading suggestions.
Official Poster for the 2018 FIFA World Cup
Supervisor at the School of Design, Associate Professor Igor Gurovich, designed the official poster for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The central figure in his composition in legendary Soviety goalkeeper Lev Yashin.