HSE Students Named Best Actors at Naples Theatre Festival
The play La Folie Positive, performed by the HSE Le Defi student theatre, took top honors at the Francophone festival Rideau Rouge, which took place in Naples, Italy.
Universities Change Cities
On March 21-22 2014, an international conference ‘Saint Petersburg for Education and Reforms: Education and Global Cities’ will take place at the Alexandrinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg.
HSE Perm Faculty and Students Attend OSTIS-2014
Faculty and students of the HSE Faculty of Business Informatics in Perm took part in the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Open Semantic Technology for Intelligent Systems’ (OSTIS-2014).
New Research Trends in ‘Biology and Behaviour in a Political Economy’
On March 14, 2014, the HSE is running a workshop ‘Biology and Behaviour in a Political Economy’. John Nye, Academic Supervisor at the International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms, HSE which is organising the workshop, spoke to the HSE English-language News Portal about working at the HSE in this research area.
Communication 4 Future Award for Sergey Zverev
11-12 March, 2014, in Davos, at the 5th World Communication Forum, where traditionally, winners of the Communication for Future Davos Award (C4F) are announced, Sergey Zverev, Head of the HSE School of Integrated Communications, was awarded C4F in the ‘Titan of the Future’ nomination.

New Master’s Programme in Sociology for Aspiring Young Researchers
A new English-taught master’s programme at the HSE, ‘International Master in Comparative Social Research’, will allow students to acquire the knowledge and skills that are in demand on the global market for social research. Applications are due by May 31, 2014.
The HSE Nizhny Novgorod Speaks Italian
On March 4, 2014, a lecture series by Giuseppe Ianniello, a full professor at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy, got underway at the HSE Nizhny Novgorod. For two weeks, participating students will study European financial reporting standards.
Professor Ludo Pyis Launches New Lecture Series ‘AREOPA: Provoking Innovate Intelligence’
February 27 marked the launch of a lecture series ‘AREOPA: provoking innovate intelligence’ to be delivered for HSE-Perm Master’s students by Professor Ludo Pyis through March 6.
International Higher Education Bulletin: Now in Russian
Starting this year, the HSE is publishing a Russian-language version of ‘International Higher Education’ – a quarterly published by Boston College, USA.

New English-language Master's Programme in Big Data Systems
This year, the HSE Faculty of Business Informatics is launching an English-language master's programme in Big Data Systems. Scholarships are available, particularly for selected applicants who participate in the Olympiad, a competition that is open to students and graduates of university undergraduate and specialist courses from throughout Russia, the CIS, and the Baltic countries. The registration deadline for the Olympiad is March 12, 2014.