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From Reading Pushkin to Investigating Russian Business-state Relations

Yuko Adachi, Associate Professor at Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan), is currently a visiting researcher at HSE. Her book ‘Building Big Business in Russia’ published in 2010 explains the privatization and transformation of Russia into a market economy. We asked her to tell us about her interest in Russia for the HSE News service.

The Big Challenge is to Include Russian Law in the Russian System

Jan De Groof, professor at the college of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, and at the University of Tilburg, Netherlands, gave a special interview to the HSE news service.

Internet Interviewing Will Become the Dominant Survey Mode in the Social Sciences in the Next 10–20 years

The Third LCSR International Workshop is being held in Saint Petersburg from April 26–30, 2013. Marcel Das, Director of CentERdata since 2000, and  Professor of Econometrics and Data Collection at Tilburg University, talked to the HSE News Portal beforehand about the topic he would present to the workshop; Innovation in Online Data Collection for Scientific Research.

Russia and Germany as WTO members

On April 22 2013, the Higher School of Economics hosted an international workshop conference entitled 'The Development Outlook for Russia and Germany as Members of the WTO'. Alexander Khodachek, the president of Saint-Petersburg HSE campus commented on the conference.

For the First Time Ever HSE Students Participate in the ‘Student Experience in the Research University’ Project

Interest in international education ranking is growing all over the world, and universities are trying their best to take higher positions. At the same time, the objectivity of the global rankings increasingly gives rise to doubts. Igor Chirikov, Director of the HSE Center of Internal Monitoring, tells HSE news service what they take into account and what they don’t, and what the alternatives are.

Russia and China: Academic Cooperation Update

This year, cooperation between HSE and East China Normal University in Shanghai has reached a new level, with a first exchange programme for Russian and Chinese teachers launched at HSE. Timofey Bordachev, Director of the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies and Deputy Dean at the Faculty of World Economy and Politics, speaks about the Russia-China academic cooperation programme and its prospects.

War is Going out of Fashion

With rising incomes, people are less accepting of war. In recent decades in Russia, as in many countries around the world, the number of citizens willing to give their lives for their country has declined. These are findings of joint research by Ronald Inglehart and HSE.

New Chapter in Cooperation Begins Between the HSE and the Halle Institute for Economic Research

On March 26, 2013, in Moscow, the HSE and Germany’s Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The HSE Institute for Industrial and Market Studies is now IWH’s main partner for a series of projects. Dr. Jutta Gunther, IWH Interim Director and Head of Department Structural Change, gave a special interview for the HSE news service.

How to Create a Proper Macroeconomic Picture of the World

Boris Kuznetsov, Professor at the HSE Subdepartment of Economic Analysis of Organizations and Markets has recently returned from the US where he read a series of lectures on Russian economics to students at Stanford University. The HSE news portal asked him to talk about his impressions after the trip and about what prospects there are for working together in the future with our American colleagues.

Highest Ranked European Computer Scientist Joins HSE as Academic Supervisor of International Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems

HSE’s International Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS lab) was established in January 2013 and is supervised by Professor Wil van der Aalst. In fact, Professor Van der Aalst is the highest ranked European computer scientist (according to Google Scholar). On April 15, 2013 he is giving a lecture in the PAIS lab seminar series. We used this opportunity to ask him some questions.