London G20 Summit Compliance Report
The International Organizations Research Institute of the Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the National Training Foundation have prepared the London G20 Summit Compliance Report . The report presents the G20 member-states’and the European Union (EU) compliance performance with the commitments made within the framework of the G20 summit in London on 2 April 2009.
‘Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interaction. The Sustainability of Public Debt’ by Sergey Pekarski
A book by Sergey Pekarski, ‘Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interaction. The Sustainability of Public Debt’ , has been recently published by VDM Verlag.
Russia-Europe Relations: a Look from Sweden
Academic Papers of the 8th International session of the HSE "Baltic Practice" which took place at the Stockholm Research center, Sweden, from August 1st to 8th, 2008, have been recently published by INTELCORP.
Organization and Development of Russian Business. A Firm-Level Analysis
A major work by HSE professors Tatiana Dolgopyatova and Andrei Yakovlev and Hitotsubashi University professor Ichiro Iwasaki has recently been published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Capitalism is Popular with Students in Moscow
Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad published an article on the HSE .
Reconfiguration, Not Just a Reset. Russia’s Interests in Relations with the United States of America
Report for the meeting of the Russian-U.S. section of the Valdai International Discussion Club (Moscow, June 2009) by Sergei Karaganov, Dmitry Suslov and Timofei Bordachev was published by RIA Novosti.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025