International Olympiad Competitions for Master’s Programmes Held by HSE
In March and April, an HSE Olympiad competition for students and graduates took place in Russia and other countries, including the USA, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Vietnam. About 9,500 people registered for the competition, an increase of 25% over last year. One-third of all participants were HSE students and graduates. The winners of the Olympiad will be at an advantage when applying for HSE’s Master’s programmes corresponding to the competitions they participated in.

HSE Students Take Part in Chaumont Biennale of Graphic Design
Three projects by HSE Art and Design School students have made it to the finals of an international student competition and will be presented at the Biennale of Graphic Design in Chaumont (France) from May 13 to September 24, 2017. The competition task was to use graphic design to create a tool or product that contributes to the transmission of knowledge.

Management Students Win L'Oreal Brandstorm Tech Challenge National Selection
The HSE Perm student team has won the national round of the L'Oreal Brandstorm Tech Challenge, becoming the best in Russia. The national selection round in this case competition was held in Moscow, and the 9 best Russian teams competed for the national title.
HSE Students Win Prizes at International Mathematical Competition
Three HSE students from the Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Computer Science won medals at the Vojtěch Jarník International Mathematical Competition held in the Czech Republic. Nikita Gladkov, a mathematics student, scored maximum points and was recognized as the outright winner in his category.
HSE Enters Top 50 in THE Young University Rankings Under 30 Years Old
In its 25th anniversary year, HSE has marked new achievements, entering the Top 50 in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings among universities under 30 years old, and in the Top 100 in the global Young University Rankings under 50. HSE has become the first Russian university to enter the top list of THE Young Universities, a global institutional ranking.

HSE Online Learning Opportunities Presented at Coursera Partners Conference
On March 29-31 of this year, the online learning platform Coursera held its fifth annual Coursera Partners Conference called Innovation for Tomorrow’s Learners at the University of Colorado, and the conference saw the participation of our colleagues from the HSE eLearning Office.

Savitribai Phule Pune University is Ranked #1 in Fortunate 500 Universities Rankings!
Savitribai Phule Pune University is the most fortunate university in 2017, according to the Fortunate 500 Universities Rankings. This ranking is traditionally published every April Fool's Day by the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow.

HSE Leads in 8 Indicators in the Latest U-Multirank Ranking
HSE is among the leaders in 8 out of 35 indicators in the latest U-Multirank ranking, including student mobility, graduate entrepreneurial activity, and income from continuous professional development.
CERN Workshop at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science
Thirty school students from Moscow and the Moscow Region recently had an opportunity to meet international researchers and analyze data obtained from the Large Hadron Collider at a workshop organized by HSE’s Faculty of Computer Science, Yandex and CERN.
School of Linguistics Launches an Online Course on Typology
The aim of the course is to obtain the idea of the lexicon as a complex system and to get the methodology of the typological approach to the lexicon cross-linguistically, as well as to learn about the general mechanisms of semantic shift and their typological relevance.