Chinese University of Hong Kong Becomes First Asian Partner of HSE Faculty of Computer Science
The two universities have signed a student exchange agreement. Now HSE students will be able to spend a semester in Shenzhen, while Chinese students get to spend a semester at HSE.

More Than Just Studies: American Students on Their January Term in Russia
From January 3 to 20, 23 students from three American universities took part in a special winter programme held for the third time at HSE University – St Petersburg. We asked them many questions, including what they thought about Russia before coming here, what they would take back home, and one of the eternal questions – Moscow or St Petersburg?
3rd place
HSE has placed third among Russian universities in the new Webometrics Ranking.

Summer University to Introduce New Features
Every year, HSE Summer University creates new opportunities for its participants - both students and researchers. The programme is becoming more and more versatile and the range of fields of study is constantly growing. In 2018, about 200 international students from all over the world took part in the Summer University. This year, participants are invited to choose from a larger pool of courses and even travel to Siberia.
‘I Wanted a Programme Which Could Change My Way of Thinking And Open New Doors’
Master’s programme in Prototyping Future Cities offered by the HSE Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism was launched in 2017 and has since become quite popular among international students. Students from all over the world come to Moscow to learn how to use technologies to deal with future challenges of urban development. Two of the first-year students have talked to HSE News Service about studying on the programme and the projects they have been working on.
teams from 78 countries have registered for the International IDAO Data Analysis Olympiad organized by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Yandex with the support of Sberbank.
Internship at HSE Centre for Psychological Counseling Kickstarts Careers
The HSE Centre for Psychological Counseling has been offering internships for master’s students in psychology for five years. Students from HSE, as well as from other universities, can get an internship. Here’s more information on how the programme works and the opportunities it offers.

Double Degree Programme in Strategic Management in Logistics Named One of Germany’s Best
The Strategic Management in Logistics doudble-degree master’s programme, for which HSE has partnered up with Germany’s BBW University of Applied Sciences, received 10 out of a possible 11 points in the international training category of Germany’s Centre for Higher Education (CHE) ranking of master’s programmes.

Data Science for Everyone: HSE on Coursera
Global online platform Coursera has launched the Data Science Academy project - a guide to the world of data science with a selection of the best online courses, specializations, and online master's programmes from world leading companies and universities. The English online course ‘Advanced Machine Learning’, developed by HSE in cooperation with Yandex is among the Academy's courses.

Digital Culture and Media Literacy Centre to Open at HSE
The Centre will develop, research and promote themes related to media and information literacy and will become an online platform for discussing new transmedia and immersive practices in the digital environment. It will also continue work on creating various cultural and educational projects that has already been started by the HSE Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design.