Construction of HSE Sports Centre to Start in October 2017
The Centre will include a swimming pool, a climbing wall, a gym, as well as dedicated space for basketball, tennis, badminton and other sports. The plan is to build the three-storey venue of almost 12,000 sq.m in under two years.
HSE Brand Ambassador in Indonesia
After turning down two offers of admission to universities in the United Kingdom, Rifki Zulkarnaen decided to accept a scholarship offer to attend the Master’s programme at HSE’s School of Asian Studies.
HSE Day 2017. Live
Today is the sixth time HSE has been celebrating HSE Day at Gorky Park. Open air lectures, science and technology platform, sport master classes, intellectual competitions and many more activities are open for everyone. If you are not in the park now, follow our live broadcast on the website. And don’t hesitate to join the celebration any moment!

HSE and China’s National Institute of Education Sciences Launch Joint Education Project
Russian and Chinese researchers will join forces to study the two countries’ education systems and develop possible strategies for their further modernisation over the period to 2030, in a new joint project set to run for a decade.

HSE Day at Gorky Park: Fun for Everyone
On September 14, the Higher School of Economics is again welcoming guests at Moscow’s Gorky Park to celebrate HSE Day – an extraordinary event that has become a tradition of citywide proportions. HSE Day has a lot to offer for everyone and is open to international students and faculty members.
François Guillemin – Seeking Adventure while Engaging in Serious Research
In deciding to join HSE as a post-doc fellow in the Center for Institutional Studies), François Guillemin sought to combine a sense of adventure with a post-doctoral experience that would allow him to continue his research in the field of banking regulation. HSE ended up on the top of his list, and he accepted an offer to start this September.
HSE Makes It to THE Humanities Rankings for First Time Ever
The Higher School of Economics has made it onto the Times Higher Education ranking in the arts and humanities category for the first time ever. The university was in the 176-200 group, demonstrating the best result among schools that participate in Project 5-100 in this field. In addition, HSE placed third among Russian universities as a whole for this subject ranking.
HSE Legal Expert Maria Smirnova Begins Service with the UN
In early September 2017, Senior Researcher at the IOE Center for Education Law Maria Smirnova, PhD, began her term as an Associate Officer with the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights Administration. Maria’s role involves supporting the organization and holding of the 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, during September 11–29, 2017.
HSE Joins Top-300 of QS Graduate Employability Rankings
Higher School of Economics (HSE) has entered the 251-300 group of the QS Graduate Employability Rankings, which aim to reflect the relationship between a university’s activities and subsequent graduate employment. HSE took first place among Project 5-100’s participants and fourth place among 11 Russian universities, thus improving upon last year’s result.
HSE Staff Receive State Awards
Honorary awards and titles have been awarded to six HSE academic and administrative staff members.