BRICS Countries Support HSE University’s Project to Launch Fair Competition Platform
A meeting of the BRICS Coordination Committee on Antimonopoly Policy was held in Geneva as part of Russia's BRICS Chairship in 2024. The meeting participants supported a project to launch a BRICS Interstate Platform on Fair Competition, developed by the International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre of HSE University and presented by the FAS of Russia as an initiative of the Russian Chairship.

The XI Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Relations Kicks Off at HSE University
On July 1, 2024, the opening ceremony of the XI International Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Relations, titled ‘Partnership and Cooperation in the New World Order,’ took place. The event was organised by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs in collaboration with HSE Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS). Graduate and postgraduate students from various countries have come to Moscow to study international relations and collectively envision a new world order.

HSE University—St Petersburg Hosts a Discussion on Russian-Congolese Cooperation in Education
On June 29, 2024, the President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso visited St Petersburg as part of his official visit to Russia. He spoke at the meeting of the Academic Council of HSE University—St Petersburg. The participants discussed Russian-Congolese cooperation in education.

HSE University Takes School Students from Vietnam on Pokrovka Campus Tour
The HSE International Admissions Office organised a guided tour of HSE University's campus on Pokrovsky Bulvar in Moscow for visitors from Vietnam who are studying Russian—a group of 20 students at Thai Nguyen High School for the Gifted and Foreign Language Specialised School, Vietnam National University, participants of the 'Russian Teacher Abroad' international project.

HSE University and Vietnam National University Sign Cooperation Agreement
On June 20, 2024, the parties exchanged copies of the agreement as part of the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Vietnam. The ceremony was held in the presence of the leaders of the two countries at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi. Head of the HSE delegation, Vice Rector Victoria Panova, and VNU Rector Le Quan also participated in the event. In addition, HSE University representatives signed a memorandum of understanding and an addendum with the Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

‘It Is Absolutely Necessary for Scholars and Students to Be in Contact with Peers Around the World’
Bruno de Conti, Assistant Professor at the University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), has been cooperating with the HSE School of International Regional Studies for a few years. In his interview with the HSE News Service, he talks about the importance of developing academic cooperation between Russia and Brazil and shares his impressions of HSE University and Moscow.

Consumer Prices Decrease in Densely Populated Areas
HSE University economists have proposed a novel approach to modelling monopolistic competition with heterogeneous firms and consumers. The results of collaborative research carried out by Alexander Tarasov from Moscow, his co-authors from HSE University–St Petersburg, together with the Norwegian School of Economics, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Free University of Brussels, have been published in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

HSE Students Represent Russia at BRICS+ Youth Innovation Summit in Pretoria
In May 2024, Pretoria, the capital of South Africa, hosted the BRICS+ Youth Innovation Summit, where students from HSE University represented Russia. They successfully defended their business projects and were among the top 15 speakers, winning the event. The summit was organised by the South African BRICS Youth Association (SABYA).

New Opportunities: ICEF Hosts China’s SWUFE Delegation
On May 22, ICEF HSE hosted a delegation from the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics’ Research Institute of Economics and Management (RIEM SWUFE) in Chengdu, China, led by RIEM Executive Dean Professor Dong Yan. The parties exchanged signed copies of a cooperation agreement for the joint delivery of a Double-Degree Bachelor Programme in Economics and Finance. They also discussed future prospects for cooperation in areas such as a joint Master’s programme, student and faculty exchange, summer schools, and joint research projects.

HSE University Signs Memorandum of Intent with the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
HSE University and the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy (ILLP) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan have signed a memorandum of intent, which will form the basis for a future cooperation agreement. The institute is a state expert research facility created within the framework of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy. It plays a significant role in the examination of draft laws: an expert opinion from the ILLP is mandatory when considering legislative acts.