HSE is Entering BRICS League of Universities
A group of Chinese and Russian higher education institutions, including the Higher School of Economics, have initiated the creation of a BRICS League of Universities. The League aims to become a platform for academic and expert cooperation, comparative research, and international educational projects.
HSE Experts Presented a Paper in Paris
In early July 2013, a joint academic conference of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), The University of Oxford, and the British Open University, took place in France. The conference was dedicated to the problems of welfare economics and was held in the OECD headquarters in Paris. Several HSE experts took part in the event.
Russian Elites Are Unlikely to Embrace Democracy
The future generation of Russia's political managers is unlikely to embrace a democratic society, regardless of the protests emerging in the country today, the study 'Russian Elites-2020' shows.
The Challenging Project for International Team in Russia
The HSE and Cornell Institute for Public Affairs ( CIPA), USA had undertaken a joint project Russia in 2012-2013. Graduate students in the CIPA project had the option of building upon and expanding their experience through consultancy projects conducted through CIPA’S International Capstone Initiative. The international team of students and professors had been working in HSE N. Novgorod on Vyksa Renewal Plan. Vyksa is the small town not far from N. Novgorod. The project was implemented with support of the HSE Graduate School of Education. Laurie J.Miller, professor and CIPA Coordinator gave a special interview to the HSE news service about the project.
Immigrant Capitals of Europe, from London to Moscow
London is the most ‘immigrant’ among European capitals: 40% of its population comes from other countries. Paris has 20%, 17,4% in Madrid, and 15% in Moscow. Ethnicity plays a higher role the lower the immigrants’ social level is, says Daria Bityukova in her study published in the HSE online journal Demoscope Weekly.
Professor Pardalos Awarded the 2013 EURO Gold Medal
Panos M. Pardalos, the Academic Supervisor of the LATNA Laboratory, Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis (HSE Branch in Nizhny Novgorod), the Distinguished professor of the University of Florida, has been awarded the 2013 Euro Gold Medal prize, bestowed by the Association for European Operational Research Societies for his outstanding contribution to the science development.
Prosecutors, Judges, and Repressive Sentencing
Informal alliances between prosecutors and judges contribute to the repressive sentencing that is characteristic of Russia's criminal justice. The underlying factor is that the prosecutor's career depends on his or her conviction rate, while the judge usually seeks to avoid appeals, according to Alexander Libman, André Schulz, and Vladimir Kozlov.
Urban Activism as an Ideology
In July 2013, The HSE's Graduate School of Urban Studies and Planning hosted its first summer school on promoting urban activism. The school was attended by international experts, including the architects Stefan Retich, professor at the University of Bremen, Janine Walter from Berlin, and Lukasz Pancewicz from Gdansk. We spoke to the organiser of the summer school, Dmitry Savkin, Deputy Dean of the Higher School of Urban Studies and Planning.
History in the View of Young Russians and Americans
On July 3–13, 2013, an international summer school ‘Russia between the Past and the Present: Russian Politics, History, and Culture in Comparative Perspective’ took place in Saint Petersburg. The event was organized by the HSE Saint Petersburg Faculty of History.
People in America are More Interested in Tolstoy than Putin
Andrey Shcherbak, Associate Professor at the HSE Saint Petersburg School of Applied Political Science, spent six months in the USA, thanks to the Mellon Visiting Scholar Fellowship programme. Andrey told us about the programme and his research.